Sabtu, 24 November 2012

  • Tugas SoftSkill 1

    Tugas Softskill 1
    SOAL :
    1.      Apa yang dimaksud dengan Manajemen Dalam Lingkup Proyek ?
    2.      Apa itu INISIASI ?
    3.      Apa saja proses Masukan dari INISIASI ?
    4.      Apa saja Proses Keluaran dari INISIASI ?
    5.      Apa saja Metode Pemilihan Proyek ?
    6.      Apa itu Piagam Proyek ?
    7.      Apa yang dimaksud dengan Lingkup Perencanaan ?
    8.      Apa saja Masukan dari Lingkup Perencanaan ?
    9.      Apa saja Keluaran dari Lingkup Perencanaan ?
    10.  Apa saja Masukan dari Definisi Lingkup ?
    11.  Apa itu Verifikasi Lingkup ?
    12.  Apa saja Masukan dari Verifikasi Lingkup ?
    13.  Apa saja Keluaran dari Verifikasi Lingkup ?
    14.  Apa kepanjangan dari WBS ?
    15.  Apa saja Langkah utama dalam Dekomposisi ?
    16.  Apa itu Inspection ?
    17.  Apa itu Formal acceptance ?
    18.  Apa itu Scope Statement ?
    19.  Apa saja Masukan dari Scope Change Control ?
    20.  Apa itu Scope Changes ?
  • Tugas SoftSkill 2

    Tugas Softskill 2
    1.      Mencakup proses-proses yang diperlukan untuk memastikan bahwa proyek tersebut mencakup semua           pekerjaan yang diperlukan, dan hanya pekerjaan yang diperlukan, untuk menyelesaikan proyek dengan sukses.
    2.      Inisiasi adalah proses formal otorisasi sebuah proyek baru atau bahwa ada
    proyek harus berlanjut ke tahap berikutnya.
    3.      Uraian Produk, Rencana Strategis, Kriteria Pemilihan Proyek, Informasi Sejarah.
    4.      Piagam Proyek, Pengelolaan Proyek yang teridentifikas/ditugaskan, Kendala, Asumsi
    5.       Metode pengukuran keuntungan, Metode optimisasi terpaksa.
    6.      Sebuah piagam proyek adalah berkas yang secara resmi mengotorisasi sebuah proyek.
    7.      Lingkup perencanaan adalah proses progresif menguraikan dan mendokumentasikan pekerjaan proyek (lingkup proyek) yang menghasilkan produk dari proyek.
    8.      Uraian Produk, Proyek Charter, Kendala, Asumsi.
    9.      Lingkup Pernyataan, Kendala, Asumsi, Historical Informasi.
    10.  Lingkup Pernyataan, Mendukung Detail, Lingkup Rencana Pengelolaan.
    11.  Verifikasi Lingkup adalah proses mendapatkan penerimaan formal lingkup proyek oleh stakeholder (sponsor, klien, pelanggan, dll).
    12.  Hasil Kerja, Dokumentasi Produk, Work Breakdown Structure, Scope Statement, Project Plan.
    13.  Formal Acceptance
    14.  Work Breakdown Structure
    15.  Mengidentifikasi point utama dari proyek termasuk manajemen proyek, Memutuskan apakah biaya yang memadai dan perkiraan durasi dapat dikembangkan pada tingkat detail untuk setiap pengiriman, Mengidentifikasi adalah komponen dari pengiriman, Memverifikasi kebenaran dekomposisi.
    16.  Kegiatan seperti mengukur ,memeriksa, dan pengujian dilakukan untuk menentukan apakah hasil sesuai dengan persyaratan.
    17.  Dokumentasi bahwa klien atau sponsor telah menerima produk dari fase proyek atau point utama harus disiapkan dan didistribusikan.
    18.  Scope statement mendefinisikan ruang lingkup dalam beberapa detail dan harus diverifikasi.
    19.  Scope Management Plan,Change Request,Perfomance Reports,Work Breakdown Structure.
    20.  Suatu pengendalian perubahan lingkup mendefinisikan prosedur dimana lingkup proyek dapat diubah.

  • PMBOK Chapter 5 Inggris

    Chapter 5
    Project Scope Management
    Project Scope Management includes the processes required to ensure that the
    project includes all the work required, and only the work required, to complete
    the project successfully (1). It is primarily concerned with defining and controlling
    what is or is not included in the project. Figure 5-1 provides an overview
    of the major project scope management processes:
    5.1 Initiation—authorizing the project or phase.
    5.2 Scope Planning—developing a written scope statement as the basis for future
                                         project decisions.
    5.3 Scope Definition—subdividing the major project deliverables into smaller, more
                                          manageable components.
    5.4 Scope Verification—formalizing acceptance of the project scope.
    5.5 Scope Change Control—controlling changes to project scope.
                  These processes interact with each other and with the processes in the other
    knowledge areas as well. Each process may involve effort from one or more individuals
    or groups of individuals, based on the needs of the project. Each process
    generally occurs at least once in every project phase.
    Although the processes are presented here as discrete components with welldefined
    interfaces, in practice they may overlap and interact in ways not detailed
    here. Process interactions are discussed in detail in Chapter 3.
    In the project context, the term scope may refer to:
    ·         Product scope—the features and functions that characterize a product or service.
    ·         Project scope—the work that must be done to deliver a product with the specified
    features and functions.
     The processes, tools, and techniques used to manage project scope are the
    focus of this chapter. The processes, tools, and techniques used to manage
    product scope vary by application area and are usually defined as part of the
    project life cycle (the project life cycle is discussed in Section 2.1).
    A project generally results in a single product, but that product may include
    subsidiary components, each with its own separate but interdependent product
    scopes. For example, a new telephone system would generally include four subsidiary
    components—hardware, software, training, and implementation.
    Completion of the project scope is measured against the project plan, but completion
    of the product scope is measured against the product requirements. Both
    types of scope management must be well integrated to ensure that the work of
    the project will result in delivery of the specified product.

    Initiation is the process of formally authorizing a new project or that an existing
    project should continue into its next phase (see Section 2.1 for a more detailed
    discussion of project phases). This formal initiation links the project to the
    ongoing work of the performing organization. In some organizations, a project is
    not formally initiated until after completion of a needs assessment, a feasibility
    study, a preliminary plan, or some other equivalent form of analysis that was itself
    separately initiated. Some types of projects, especially internal service projects and
    new product development projects, are initiated informally, and some limited
    amount of work is done to secure the approvals needed for formal initiation. Projects
    are typically authorized as a result of one or more of the following:
    ·         A market demand (e.g., a car company authorizes a project to build more fuelefficient
                cars in response to gasoline shortages).
    ·         A business need (e.g., a training company authorizes a project to create a new
                course to increase its revenues).
    ·         A customer request (e.g., an electric utility authorizes a project to build a new
                substation to serve a new industrial park).
    ·         A technological advance (e.g., an electronics firm authorizes a new project to
                develop a video game player after advances in computer memory).
    ·         A legal requirement (e.g., a paint manufacturer authorizes a project to establish
                guidelines for the handling of toxic materials).
    ·         A social need (e.g., a nongovernmental organization in a developing country
                authorizes a project to provide potable water systems, latrines, and sanitation
                education to low-income communities suffering from high rates of cholera).
           These stimuli may also be called problems, opportunities, or business requirements.
    The central theme of all these terms is that management generally must
    make a decision about how to respond.

    5.1.1 Inputs to Initiation
    .1 Product description. The product description documents the characteristics of the
        product or service that the project was undertaken to create. The product
        description will generally have less detail in early phases and more detail in later
        ones as the product characteristics are progressively elaborated.
                The product description should also document the relationship between the
        product or service being created and the business need or other stimulus that
        gave rise to the project (see the list in Section 5.1). While the form and substance
        of the product description will vary, it should always be detailed enough to support
        later project planning.

                Many projects involve one organization (the seller) doing work under contract
        to another (the buyer). In such circumstances, the initial product description is
        usually provided by the buyer.
    .2 Strategic plan. All projects should be supportive of the performing organization’s
        strategic goals—the strategic plan of the performing organization should be considered
        as a factor in project selection decisions.
    .3 Project selection criteria. Project selection criteria are typically defined in terms
        of the merits of the product of the project and can cover the full range of possible
        management concerns (financial return, market share, public perceptions, etc.).
    .4 Historical information. Historical information about both the results of previous
        project selection decisions and previous project performance should be considered
        to the extent that it is available. When initiation involves approval for the next
        phase of a project, information about the results of previous phases is often critical.
    5.1.2 Tools and Techniques for Initiation
    .1 Project selection methods. Project selection methods involve measuring value or
        attractiveness to the project owner. Project selection methods include considering
        the decision criterion (multiple criteria, if used, should be combined into a single
        value function) and a means to calculate value under uncertainty. These are
        known as the decision model and calculation method. Project selection also applies
        to choosing the alternative ways of doing the project. Optimization tools can be
        used to search for the optimal combination of decision variables. Project selection
        methods generally fall into one of two broad categories (2):
    ·         Benefit measurement methods—comparative approaches, scoring models,
                benefit contribution, or economic models.
    ·         Constrained optimization methods—mathematical models using linear, nonlinear,
    dynamic, integer, and multi-objective programming algorithms.
    These methods are often referred to as decision models. Decision models
          include generalized techniques (Decision Trees, Forced Choice, and others), as
         well as specialized ones (Analytic Hierarchy Process, Logical Framework
         Analysis, and others). Applying complex project selection criteria in a sophisticated
         model is often treated as a separate project phase.
    .2 Expert judgment. Expert judgment will often be required to assess the inputs to
        this process. Such expertise may be provided by any group or individual with specialized
        knowledge or training, and is available from many sources, including:
    ·         Other units within the performing organization.
    ·         Consultants.
    ·         Stakeholders, including customers.
    ·         Professional and technical associations.
    ·         Industry groups.
    5.1.3 Outputs from Initiation
    .1 Project charter. A project charter is a document that formally authorizes a
        project. It should include, either directly or by reference to other documents:
    ·         The business need that the project was undertaken to address.
    ·         The product description (described in Section
                 The project charter should be issued by a manager external to the project, and
        at a level appropriate to the needs of the project. It provides the project manager
        with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities.
                When a project is performed under contract, the signed contract will generally
        serve as the project charter for the seller.
    .2 Project manager identified/assigned. In general, the project manager should be
        identified and assigned as early in the project as is feasible. The project manager
        should always be assigned prior to the start of project plan execution (described
        in Section 4.2) and preferably before much project planning has been done (the
        project planning processes are described in Section 3.3.2).
    .3 Constraints. Constraints are factors that will limit the project management team’s
        options. For example, a predefined budget is a constraint that is highly likely to
        limit the team’s options regarding scope, staffing, and schedule.
                When a project is performed under contract, contractual provisions will generally
        be constraints. Another example is a requirement that the product of the
        project be socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable, which will also
        have an effect on the project’s scope, staffing, and schedule.
    .4 Assumptions. See Section
    Scope planning is the process of progressively elaborating and documenting the
    project work (project scope) that produces the product of the project. Project
    scope planning starts with the initial inputs of product description, the project
    charter, and the initial definition of constraints and assumptions. Note that the
    product description incorporates product requirements that reflect agreed-upon
    customer needs and the product design that meets the product requirements. The
    outputs of scope planning are the scope statement and scope management plan,
    with the supporting detail. The scope statement forms the basis for an agreement
    between the project and the project customer by identifying both the project
    objectives and the project deliverables. Project teams develop multiple scope
    statements that are appropriate for the level of project work decomposition.

    5.2.1 Inputs to Scope Planning
    .1 Product description. The product description is discussed in Section
    .2 Project charter. The project charter is described in Section
    .3 Constraints. Constraints are described in Section
    .4 Assumptions. Assumptions are described in Section
    5.2.2 Tools and Techniques for Scope Planning
    .1 Product analysis. Product analysis involves developing a better understanding of
        the product of the project. It includes techniques such as product breakdown
        analysis systems engineering, value engineering, value analysis, function analysis,
        and quality function deployment.
    .2 Benefit/cost analysis. Benefit/cost analysis involves estimating tangible and
        intangible costs (outlays) and benefits (returns) of various project and product
        alternatives, and then using financial measures, such as return on investment or
        payback period, to assess the relative desirability of the identified alternatives.
    .3 Alternatives identification. This is a general term for any technique used to generate
        different approaches to the project. There is a variety of general management
        techniques often used here, the most common of which are brainstorming
        and lateral thinking.
    .4 Expert judgment. Expert judgment is described in Section
    5.2.3 Outputs from Scope Planning
    .1 Scope statement. The scope statement provides a documented basis for making
        future project decisions and for confirming or developing common understanding
        of project scope among the stakeholders. As the project progresses, the scope
        statement may need to be revised or refined to reflect approved changes to the
        scope of the project. The scope statement should include, either directly or by reference
        to other documents:
    ·         Project justification—the business need that the project was undertaken to
                address. The project justification provides the basis for evaluating future
    ·         Project’s product—a brief summary of the product description (the product
                description is discussed in Section
    ·         Project deliverables—a list of the summary-level subproducts whose full and satisfactory delivery marks completion of the project. For example, the major deliverables for a software development project might include the working computer code, a user manual, and an interactive tutorial. When known, exclusions should be identified, but anything not explicitly included is implicitly excluded.
    ·         Project objectives—the quantifiable criteria that must be met for the project
                to be considered successful. Project objectives must include at least cost,
                schedule, and quality measures. Project objectives should have an attribute
                (e.g., cost), a metric (e.g., United States [U.S.] dollars), and an absolute or
                relative value (e.g., less than 1.5 million). Unquantified objectives (e.g., “customer
                satisfaction”) entail high risk to successful accomplishment.
    .2 Supporting detail. Supporting detail for the scope statement should be documented
        and organized as needed to facilitate its use by other project management
        processes. Supporting detail should always include documentation of all identified
        assumptions and constraints. The amount of additional detail may vary by
        application area.
    .3 Scope management plan. This document describes how project scope will be
        managed and how scope changes will be integrated into the project. It should
        also include an assessment of the expected stability of the project scope (i.e., how
        likely is it to change, how frequently, and by how much). The scope management
        plan should also include a clear description of how scope changes will be identified
        and classified. (This is particularly difficult—and therefore absolutely
        essential—when the product characteristics are still being elaborated.)
                A scope management plan may be formal or informal, highly detailed or
        broadly framed, based on the needs of the project. It is a subsidiary component
        of the project plan (described in Section
    Scope definition involves subdividing the major project deliverables (as identified
    in the scope statement as defined in Section into smaller, more manageable
    components to:
    ·         Improve the accuracy of cost, duration, and resource estimates.
    ·         Define a baseline for performance measurement and control.
    ·         Facilitate clear responsibility assignments.
    Proper scope definition is critical to project success. “When there is poor scope
    definition, final project costs can be expected to be higher because of the
    inevitable changes which disrupt project rhythm, cause rework, increase project
    time, and lower the productivity and morale of the workforce” (3).

    5.3.1 Inputs to Scope Definition
    .1 Scope statement. The scope statement is described in Section
    .2 Constraints. Constraints are described in Section When a project is done
        under contract, the constraints defined by contractual provisions are often important
        considerations during scope definition.
    .3 Assumptions. Assumptions are described in Section
    .4 Other planning outputs. The outputs of the processes in other knowledge areas
        should be reviewed for possible impact on project scope definition.
    .5 Historical information. Historical information about previous projects should be
        considered during scope definition. Information about errors and omissions on
        previous projects should be especially useful.
    5.3.2 Tools and Techniques for Scope Definition
    .1 Work breakdown structure templates. A WBS (described in Section from
        a previous project can often be used as a template for a new project. Although
        each project is unique, WBSs can often be “reused” since most projects will
        resemble another project to some extent. For example, most projects within a
        given organization will have the same or similar project life cycles, and will thus
        have the same or similar deliverables required from each phase.

                Many application areas or performing organizations have standard or semistandard
        WBSs that can be used as templates. For example, the U.S. Department
        of Defense has recommended standards WBSs for Defense Material Items (MILHDBK-
        881). A portion of one of these templates is shown as Figure 5-2.
    .2 Decomposition. Decomposition involves subdividing the major project deliverables
        or subdeliverables into smaller, more manageable components until the
        deliverables are defined in sufficient detail to support development of project
        activities (planning, executing, controlling, and closing). Decomposition involves
        the following major steps:
        (1) Identify the major deliverables of the project, including project management.
        The major deliverables should always be defined in terms of how the
         project will actually be organized. For example:
    ·         The phases of the project life cycle may be used as the first level of decomposition
                 with the project deliverables repeated at the second level, as illustrated
     in Figure 5-3.
    ·         The organizing principle within each branch of the WBS may vary, as illustrated
    in Figure 5-4.
    (2) Decide if adequate cost and duration estimates can be developed at this
    level of detail for each deliverable. The meaning of adequate may change over the
    course of the project—decomposition of a deliverable that will be produced far
    in the future may not be possible. For each deliverable, proceed to Step 4 if there
    is adequate detail, to Step 3 if there is not—this means that different deliverables
    may have differing levels of decomposition.

     (3) Identify constituent components of the deliverable. Constituent components
    should be described in terms of tangible, verifiable results to facilitate performance
    measurement. As with the major components, the constituent components should
    be defined in terms of how the work of the project will actually be organized and
    the work of the project accomplished. Tangible, verifiable results can include services
    as well as products (e.g., status reporting could be described as weekly status
    reports; for a manufactured item, constituent components might include several
    individual components plus final assembly). Repeat Step 2 on each constituent
    (4) Verify the correctness of the decomposition:
    ·         Are the lower-level items both necessary and sufficient for completion of the
    decomposed item? If not, the constituent components must be modified
    (added to, deleted from, or redefined).
    ·         Is each item clearly and completely defined? If not, the descriptions must be
     revised or expanded.
    ·         Can each item be appropriately scheduled? Budgeted? Assigned to a specific
     organizational unit (e.g., department, team, or person) who will accept
     responsibility for satisfactory completion of the item? If not, revisions are
     needed to provide adequate management control.
    5.3.3 Outputs from Scope Definition
    .1 Work breakdown structure. A WBS is a deliverable-oriented grouping of project
    components that organizes and defines the total scope of the project; work not

    in the WBS is outside the scope of the project. As with the scope statement, the
    WBS is often used to develop or confirm a common understanding of project
    scope. Each descending level represents an increasingly detailed description of
    the project deliverables. Section describes the most common approach for
    developing a WBS. A WBS is normally presented in chart form, as illustrated in
    Figures 5-2, 5-3, and 5-4; however, the WBS should not be confused with the
    method of presentation—drawing an unstructured activity list in chart form does
    not make it a WBS.
    Each item in the WBS is generally assigned a unique identifier; these identifiers
    can provide a structure for a hierarchical summation of costs and resources. The
    items at the lowest level of the WBS may be referred to as work packages, especially
    in organizations that follow earned value management practices. These
    work packages may in turn be further decomposed in a subproject work breakdown
    structure. Generally, this type of approach is used when the project manager
    is assigning a scope of work to another organization, and this other organization
    must plan and manage the scope of work at a more detailed level than the project
    manager in the main project. These work packages may be further decomposed in
    the project plan and schedule, as described in Sections and
    Work component descriptions are often collected in a WBS dictionary. A WBS
    dictionary will typically include work package descriptions, as well as other planning
    information such as schedule dates, cost budgets, and staff assignments.
    The WBS should not be confused with other kinds of “breakdown” structures
    used to present project information. Other structures commonly used in some
    application areas include:
    ·         Contractual WBS (CWBS), which is used to define the level of reporting that
     the seller will provide the buyer. The CWBS generally includes less detail than
     the WBS used by the seller to manage the seller’s work.
    ·         Organizational breakdown structure (OBS), which is used to show which
     work components have been assigned to which organizational units.
    ·         Resource breakdown structure (RBS), which is a variation of the OBS and is
     typically used when work components are assigned to individuals.
    ·         Bill of materials (BOM), which presents a hierarchical view of the physical
     assemblies, subassemblies, and components needed to fabricate a manufactured
    ·         Project breakdown structure (PBS), which is fundamentally the same as a
     properly done WBS. The term PBS is widely used in application areas where
     the term WBS is incorrectly used to refer to a BOM.
    .2 Scope statement updates. Include any modification of the contents of the scope
    statement (described in Section Appropriate stakeholders must be notified
    as needed.
    Scope verification is the process of obtaining formal acceptance of the project
    scope by the stakeholders (sponsor, client, customer, etc.). It requires reviewing
    deliverables and work results to ensure that all were completed correctly and satisfactorily.
    If the project is terminated early, the scope verification process should
    establish and document the level and extent of completion. Scope verification differs
    from quality control (described in Section 8.3) in that it is primarily concerned
    with acceptance of the work results while quality control is primarily
    concerned with the correctness of the work results. These processes are generally
    performed in parallel to ensure both correctness and acceptance.

    5.4.1 Inputs to Scope Verification
    .1 Work results. Work results—which deliverables have been fully or partially completed—
        are an output of project plan execution (discussed in Section 4.2).
    .2 Product documentation. Documents produced to describe the project’s products
        must be available for review. The terms used to describe this documentation
        (plans, specifications, technical documentation, drawings, etc.) vary by application
    .3 Work breakdown structure. The WBS aids in definition of the scope, and should
        be used to verify the work of the project (see Section
    .4 Scope statement. The scope statement defines the scope in some detail and
        should be verified (see Section
    .5 Project plan. The project plan is described in Section
    5.4.2 Tools and Techniques for Scope Verification
    .1 Inspection. Inspection includes activities such as measuring, examining, and
        testing undertaken to determine whether results conform to requirements.
        Inspections are variously called reviews, product reviews, audits, and walkthroughs;
    in some application areas, these different terms have narrow and specific
    5.4.3 Outputs from Scope Verification
    .1 Formal acceptance. Documentation that the client or sponsor has accepted the
        product of the project phase or major deliverable(s) must be prepared and distributed.
        Such acceptance may be conditional, especially at the end of a phase.
    Scope change control is concerned with a) influencing the factors that create
    scope changes to ensure that changes are agreed upon, b) determining that a
    scope change has occurred, and c) managing the actual changes when and if they
    occur. Scope change control must be thoroughly integrated with the other control
    processes (schedule control, cost control, quality control, and others, as discussed
    in Section 4.3).

    5.5.1 Inputs to Scope Change Control
    .1 Work breakdown structure. The WBS is described in Section It defines the
        project’s scope baseline.
    .2 Performance reports. Performance reports, discussed in Section, provide
        information on scope performance, such as which interim deliverables have been
        completed and which have not. Performance reports may also alert the project
        team to issues that may cause problems in the future.
    .3 Change requests. Change requests may occur in many forms—oral or written,
        direct or indirect, externally or internally initiated, and legally mandated or
        optional. Changes may require expanding the scope or may allow shrinking it.
        Most change requests are the result of:
    ·         An external event (e.g., a change in a government regulation).
    ·         An error or omission in defining the scope of the product (e.g., failure to
     include a required feature in the design of a telecommunications system).
    ·         An error or omission in defining the scope of the project (e.g., using a BOM
    instead of a WBS).
    ·         A value-adding change (e.g., an environmental remediation project is able to
    reduce costs by taking advantage of technology that was not available when
    the scope was originally defined).
    ·         Implementing a contingency plan or workaround plan to respond to a risk, as
    described in Section
    .4 Scope management plan. The scope management plan is described in Section
    5.5.2 Tools and Techniques for Scope Change Control
    .1 Scope change control. A scope change control defines the procedures by which
        the project scope may be changed. It includes the paperwork, tracking systems,
        and approval levels necessary for authorizing changes. The scope change control
        should be integrated with the integrated change control described in Section 4.3
        and, in particular, with any system or systems in place to control product scope.
        When the project is done under contract, the scope change control must also
        comply with all relevant contractual provisions.
    .2 Performance measurement. Performance measurement techniques, described in
        Section 10.3.2, help to assess the magnitude of any variations that do occur. Determining
        what is causing the variance relative to the baseline and deciding if the
        variance requires corrective action are important parts of scope change control.
    .3 Additional planning. Few projects run exactly according to plan. Prospective
        scope changes may require modifications to the WBS or analysis of alternative
        approaches (see Sections and, respectively).
    5.5.3 Outputs from Scope Change Control
    .1 Scope changes. A scope change is any modification to the agreed-upon project
        scope as defined by the approved WBS. Scope changes often require adjustments
        to cost, time, quality, or other project objectives.
        Project scope changes are fed back through the planning process, technical
        and planning documents are updated as needed, and stakeholders are notified as
    .2 Corrective action. Corrective action is anything done to bring expected future
        project performance in line with the project plan.
    .3 Lessons learned. The causes of variances, the reasoning behind the corrective
        action chosen, and other types of lessons learned from scope change control
        should be documented, so that this information becomes part of the historical
        database for both this project and other projects of the performing organization.
    .4 Adjusted baseline. Depending upon the nature of the change, the corresponding
        baseline document may be revised and reissued to reflect the approved change
        and form the new baseline for future changes.
  • Statistik Pengunjung

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