Rabu, 22 Juli 2015

  • Present Perfect Tense VS Simple Past Tense

    Present Perfect
    It is used to show finished actions with results that are important now, or they are news now.
    Examples :
    ·         I have never visited Africa.
    ·         Have you ever been to Bali ?
    ·         He has arrived.
    ·         You have past your exam.
    ·         I have broken my leg.

    Simple Past
    It is used to indicate past actions or past habitual action or past habitual actions.
    Examples :
    ·         Nunu watched TV last night.
    ·         Kanthi and Novi stayed in the same class last year.
    ·         My brother sent me a card last month.
    ·         They finished their lesson an hour ago.
    ·         Did you go to Lombok yesterday ?
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