Minggu, 28 Desember 2014

  • Bad Experience

    That morning, on 04:30 am i am about to drove my sister for work. When i croos the usual road, there is a motorcycle which rode by two person. That suspect motorcycle is on opposite track and suddenly it’s on my back. And it turned around againand it’s right on my back. That motorcycle passes us but it turned araund again. I confused why it is keep turning around. Suddenly, they approach my motorcycle and stopped blocking my way.
              One guy took out a gun from his bag and he pointed it to me. He shooted it in the air two times. Me and my sister panicked and i hurried turned around from that road. We searched for help and thay strage guy run away. I drive as fast as i could, we both heading to another road and i drove my sister safely to work.
              What an unforgotale bad experience for me and my sister. From now on we won’t pass that road again.
  • Ancient Knight

    My name is Satria Brahmasakti, i am a artefact researcher. Now, me and my friend annisa is researching a open door that located inside of borobudur tample, because of the eartquake that happened in yogya makes borodur tample messed up. We got report from a worker that he saw a open door to somewhere in that tample.
              “morning satria, you ready?” said annisa. “morning too, ready as always!” i answered. We made our way to that door, the door is like belongs to somewhere under ground, there is an ancient javanesse written down the hall. “annisa, do you understand these words?” i asked to annisa “no i don’t. But i have captured it and we’ll see that letter.” She answered.
              When we reach the top, there is a branch of the road. We seperated into two groups. Firts me and annisa and second is the other team. We go to left and the go to right. We keep go along the alley and capturing strange thing. Then we arrive at a big room with so many statue circling a desk. On the top of the desk, there is a belt. Because of my curiousity, i picked up that belt and see there is a word on it. “what are you doing, satria? Don’t touch that. It may be dangerous.” Said annisa. “don’t worry, i’m fine.” I said. Suddenly the room is shaking me and annisa panicked and we ran out from that room. When we about to left, there is a shout from left. The other reasercher panicked and they said there is a strange creature come out from the case. We all go out from that bunker but that creature follow us untill top. It killed one of the researchers. Me and annisa hiding in a car. I realized that i brought the belt. I forgot to returned it, suddenly i feel something strage in my thought and i wear that belt to oppose that creature.
              I turned to be strange creature. There is a bird helmet on my head with red big eye and old clothes like gatot kaca. I feel my power increased and i hit that creature with my power. I keep hitting it untill i can’t stand again. Suddenly my feet feels like burned and i kicked that creature with my burning feet. Finally it torn apart into pieces.
  • Haunted House

    On that day me and my family just moved away. Because that home cost is cheap and near from the place that i worked.  First, there is nothing wrong in this house, but after a week me and my wife, jane feel something strange from this house. Everynight there is a groan of women voice.
              Night comes, we heard that voice again and i imedietly go to where the voice comes. That voice comes from our bunker. I slowly opened the door and i go down there. But when i arrive, the voice has gone. I go back to my room again. When i am about to go upstairs, there is a white silhouette heading to my room. I hurried to go to my room where my wife is already sleeping.
              Night changed, i didn’t tell my wife about what happen last night so that she won’t feel afraid. “i’m going to work, hun.” I said. “yeah, be carefull.” Answered my wife. That night after i came back from work, i saw my wife pale face. “what happened?” i asked. “there is something strange with this house, when you are at work i always hear a groan and footsteps in this house.” She said. She is shaking and i hugged her tightly.
              It’s midnight and my wife woke me up. She said that she hear something, then i search for where the voice comes. Actually that voice comes from the bunker again. When i opened the door, i saw every walls are covered with blood. Then i close the door again. When i am about to go out, suddenly something hit that door. I imidietly go to my room to take my wife out. When we both ran out of the room, our body hit by the wall hard. Then i carried my wife who is fainted. Suddenly a faceless women ran towards me. I run as fast as i could to my car. I started the engine and drive far away from that house.
              The next day i asked the police and browsing. I shocked as i found out that that house is a haunted hause. I am thankful that me and my wife can escape from that place. And we search for new place to life.
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