Minggu, 28 Desember 2014

  • A Scary Holiday

    That morning, me and my five friend planned to go camping to somewhere fun. We finally arive in night, and we haven’t find villa for us to stay. Then we found a villa for us which is good and cheap. I feel somethings strange in that villa. From that waiters and the location. Since there are so many room, so we devided every room contain two or three person. That’s when the death come to us. I heard a noisy voice in my next room and i woke two of my friends to check my other friend’s room.
              Surprisedly, i saw the room of my three friends loaded with blood everywhere. Then i saw there is a blood that lead to wearhouse. And there is i saw the waiter is cutting one of my friend’s body. He took her kidney and keep it in a box. He realized that i’ve been watching him, so i ran as fast as i can to call my other two friends, denny and michell. We hurried to run out from this villa.
              When i look back, i saw that waiter running towards us with a shootgun on his hand. He shoot denny’s head untill it’s explode. Me and mitchell keep running until that waiter is not seen anymore. We took a rest for a while then i heard a shoot from behind. Then we ran again this time, we both seperate our self to look for help. When i look at my back, that waiter is not running towards me but mitchell. I hope mitchell is ok.
              Finally i got out from that forest and go to the nearest police office that i could find. When i arrive, i told them everything. And the police imedietly go to that villa and caught the waiter. The police told me that michell is alive and we both make our way back to home.
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